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Consent For The Use of Cloud Based Software/ Hardware That May Collect Personal Information

The School District Supports the use of new information technologies to enhance the learning experience for students. Our goal is to help all our students learn to use technology and online tools effectively and to develop the necessary skills to become active learners, critical thinkers, creative innovators, cooperative collaborators, mindful contributors to our society and effective digital citizens. These are the attributes our provincial Ministry of Education has determined as necessary for success in the 21st Century.

The purpose of this consent is to provide you with notice and seek your consent to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information using these programs and technologies. Specifically, some of the tools and programs that are utilized within the school are internet based products offered through third party service providers who may collect and use information about their users. In some cases, that information may be stored outside of Canada, where the privacy protection laws are different than they are in Canada. For example, some services require that students open individual accounts, and the provider may be able to monitor how students use their products and services.

The School District takes seriously its obligations under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("Act") to protect the personal information privacy of students. Internet based services that are utilized are vetted by the School District, and the School District does not utilize providers that monitor or track individual student activity for the purpose of identifying or contacting students. The school also provides students with instruction in how to use the internet safely. However, where these services involve any storage or access to personal information outside of Canada, the School District is required by the Act to obtain the consent of affected individuals.

Below is a list and description of the internet services/ programs that may be utilized by the school as part of your child's classroom instruction. We have included links to the Terms of Use for each service if you would like more information about how user information is collected, used and disclosed by these providers.


  • G-Suite (Google Apps for Education): Google offers a suite of online educational tools (Google Apps for Education or "GAFE") that allow students to work collaboratively with their teacher and classmates and access other educational tools. This system permits students to access educational learning anytime, anywhere in a web based environment. Google systems stores information outside of Canada. Terms and use link: https://gsuite.google.com/intl/en/terms/education_terms.html


  • BC Digital Classroom Core Collection (BCDCCC)-- myBlueprint: This initiative includes digital content from 6 software service providers, only myBlueprint requires the user to create a user account and password outside of the District for use in the school internet environment. Access and use of this product will result in the collection of personal information. Terms of Use link:                                                            https://www.myblueprint.ca/terms


  • Texthelp - Google Read & Write: Is a cloud based service that provides support tools for the web and common file types accessed through Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, PDF's, etc. Google systems stores information outside of Canada. Terms of Use:                                                https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/privacy-policy/


  • Sumdog.com: Is a cloud based learning program that is a way for kids to practice math skills while playing fun, math-related games against friends, classmates, or students from around the world. Games are individualized for each kid's ability level, so users can play against opponents who have the same skills. Sumdog systems stores information outside of Canada.                                                https://www.sumdog.com/en/Terms_of_Use


  • Code.org: is a cloud-based coding program designed to get kids coding and problem-solving. Students work their way through various coding lessons to learn the importance of problem-solving with real-world applications. Only a student's name and age is collected.                                                                 Terms_Of_Service_I_Code.org


  • Epic! Kids: is a cloud-based program that students can use to access an online library. Epic! is hosted by Epic! Creations, Inc. Your child's name and the school name will be provided to Epic! Creations Inc. for the purpose of creating a student account. Epic! Kids stores information outside of Canada.                                                           https://www.getepic.com/privacy


  • RAZ Kids: Raz-kids reading is hosted by Reading A-Z. Your child's first name and the school name will be provided to Reading A-Z for the purpose of creating a student account. Your child will listen to stories, read stories and complete quizzes. RAZ Kids stores information outside of Canada. Terms of service can be found here www.raz-kids.com.


In order to utilize these services, students may be issued a login, email account and password with the applicable service provider. Providers may also have access to student use and browsing information, student work product and collaborative communications within the classroom.

While this is not an educational requirement, we hope you will see the value in providing your child with the tools to allow them to access this sysem. In order for students to participate in this program, this consent form must be signed by November 4, 2024.

By signing this form, you are consenting to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of the student's personal information through the use of any or all services, as described above. You are also acknowledging and agreeing that this information may be disclosed to, used by and accessible to the service providers outside of Canada for the purposes as outlined in the respective Terms of Use.

I understand that the student's privileges to use these services is subject to his/her compliance with District Policy #207 - Acceptable Use of Technology.



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